More Hamilton breaches will be penalised - Alonso

"I don’t think Hamilton is in any kind of privileged position"


28 April 2010 - 09:53
More Hamilton breaches will be (…)

Lewis Hamilton will be penalised if he does not tidy up his driving, according to Fernando Alonso.

The pair clashed memorably during Alonso’s ill-fated single season at McLaren in 2007, but have since confirmed their professional friendship is now intact.

But three years after the turmoil of 2007, the Spanish press is generally no fonder of Hamilton. At a media event in the country this week, Alonso was asked if he thinks the British driver is favoured by F1 officials.

In Malaysia, Hamilton received a warning for weaving in front of Vitaly Petrov, and then in China he was merely reprimanded for his pitlane stoush with Sebastian Vettel.

"No, I don’t think Hamilton is in any kind of privileged position," Ferrari’s Alonso is quoted as responding by the Spanish sports newspaper Marca.

"The truth is that perhaps the decisions have been a little inconsistent, because other times it (Hamilton’s moves) would be punishable, but I don’t think it’s important.

"Lewis has had some warnings and if he does something in the next race, however little, there will be penalties because of the last two races," added Alonso.


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