Qualifying - Mexico GP report: Red Bull Renault

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

31 October 2015 - 23:17
Qualifying - Mexico GP report: Red (…)


“Qualifying was interesting today. It was all quite clean in Q1 and Q2, but the track is new and it’s very easy to make a little mistake that can be quite costly, so perhaps no one had the ideal lap in Q3. I think P4 reflects our speed; I could have maybe been a couple of tenths quicker in Q3 but anyway it wouldn’t have put us any higher, as P3 was quite a long way ahead. We have done our best today and it gives us some good opportunities for tomorrow. In a new race on a new track, everything can happen, but we have to wait and see how fast we are and how much we can make the most of any opportunities. I’m not setting our expectations too high; I just want to have a good, clean, consistent race and grab some good points.”


“Practice looked really good but then all through Qualifying I wasn’t really that happy. We just struggled to find the right feeling with the car and the set-up. The asphalt was changing every time. It had a bit of grip and then it didn’t so it’s challenging. We didn’t change much to the car but it’s one of those sessions where you always try to find that little bit more but it never came in the end. I knew that Ferrari and Williams would try to give us a real challenge. For the race, everyone will most likely try a one-stop, because it’s a new surface and not too aggressive on the tyres. It might rain overnight which will change the track again. It’s changing all the time so I hope it will be an exciting race. In the end to be fourth and fifth as a team is not bad and we can definitely race from there. On another note, watching the rugby was a bit painful as well, I really do feel for the boys.”


“A very respectable qualifying from both our drivers to line up fourth and fifth on the grid. We have been competitive so far on this track, especially when qualifying has been one of our weakest areas. We’re looking forward to the race tomorrow and we are starting from solid grid positions, so it will be interesting to see what we can do. Tyre strategy could hold the key and I think with this amazingly enthusiastic Mexican crowd, that have created such a great atmosphere, we’ll be in for an exciting race.”


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