Red Bull’s Horner vows equality for Vettel

"We will continue to support both equally"


28 October 2010 - 09:23
Red Bull's Horner vows equality (…)

Christian Horner has stated emphatically that Red Bull will not be asking Sebastian Vettel to take a supporting role for the last two races of 2010.

"We have two fantastic drivers and we will continue to support both equally in line with Red Bull’s credible sporting ethos," he told the Austrian team’s official website.

The declaration follows speculation it would make better sense for Vettel - who is 25 points off the top of the drivers’ championship - to help his teammate Mark Webber close his 11 point deficit to Ferrari’s title leader Fernando Alonso.

Horner’s comments also follow German Vettel’s admission that he only has a "tiny chance" of becoming the 2010 world champion.

"My chances? They are how they are, but as long as I have a tiny chance ..." the 23-year-old said.

"We have two races to go and we saw in Korea how quickly things can change. Let’s wait to see what Abu Dhabi brings," added Vettel.

The situation moved Spain’s daily sports newspaper Marca to nominate Vettel as Alonso’s "greatest ally" for his third drivers’ crown.


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