Team reaction after day one in Hungaroring (part 1)

Red Bull, Ferrari, Renault, McLaren, Williams & Mercedes GP

By Franck Drui

30 July 2010 - 16:54
Team reaction after day one in (…)

Red Bull Renault

Sebastian Vettel: "I think this morning didn’t really give a clear picture of each team’s pace, but this afternoon it was tighter. The Ferraris seem very quick again here, on both the long and short runs. They will be quick again tomorrow and we also shouldn’t forget the McLarens; they have proven many times year that they can make a step forward from Friday to Saturday. It’s a difficult track here, quite bumpy and rough, but the car feels good."

Mark Webber: "That was pretty good - we got through everything we wanted. The car ran faultlessly and the guys did a good job. The track keeps getting quicker and we learned quite a bit today. The Ferraris look quick again, so we’ve got to keep an eye on them – you never know what fuel loads people are running on Friday. I’m looking forward to tomorrow."


Fernando Alonso: "I hope we can stay close to our main rivals, who seemed very strong today and be able to fight them in Q3 tomorrow afternoon. For now, we are still a bit behind by a few tenths, even if we won’t know the truth until qualifying. We certainly need to work on the set-up of the car to improve its performance, especially in the second and third sectors. Compared to Hockenheim, where the car was well balanced, here we are suffering with a bit too much understeer, but all the same it feels pretty good. We did various aerodynamic tests and, in the end, it seems the car is more competitive without the blown rear wing. Overall, we are happy with how things went today, even if we are well aware that one cannot rely much on Friday’s times. As for McLaren, whom one should not forget lead both championships, we seem to have the upper hand, but so often we have seen them struggle on a Friday before then being very competitive. Tomorrow afternoon, it will be very important to secure a place in the top three because it would be hard to fight for the win starting further back."

Felipe Massa: "As has generally been the case this year, we need to work on our performance on the first timed lap: our main rivals manage to set a time quickly while we struggle a bit more. This is vital, especially for qualifying which, at a track like this, is even more critical than usual. In particular, we have to get the front tyres working as well as possible. In terms of race pace, I would say we are pretty good, as was also demonstrated in Hockenhiem. Returning to driving at this track was not difficult for me: when you are in the car and you shut the visor, you only think about going quickly. It was definitely good yesterday to go to the medical centre and meet the people who took care of me immediately after the accident, and it was equally emotional to have dinner with the surgeon who operated on me at Budapest’s AEK hospital: I wish to take this opportunity to once again thank everyone for what they did for me one year ago; they are really extraordinary people."

Stefano Domenicali: "Overall, we are reasonably pleased with what we have seen today. The car seems to be competitive, although it has to be said that the Red Bulls were very strong. Now we must prepare as well as possible for qualifying and the race, with the aim of picking up a lot of points, continuing in the same vein as we began in Hockenheim."

Chris Dyer: "It was a very busy day because we had so many irons in the fire. This morning, we concentrated on development of new solutions for the forthcoming races, almost like an old-style test day and we also tried to evaluate carefully the performance of some aerodynamic updates which we brought here, as well as looking at the behaviour of the F10 with and without the blown rear wing. In the second session, we went back to the standard Friday programme, looking at defining the best set up of the car and tyre work. We completed both programmes with no particular problems, apart from a small electrical fault towards the end on Alonso’s car, which prevented him from getting the most out of the long run on soft tyres. From what we have seen, the performance is reasonably good: we can expect a very close qualifying and we hope to be in the fight for the front rows."


Robert Kubica: It was a fairly normal Friday for us. We tried to get as much information as we could and we were quite lucky with the weather because I think there was quite a lot of rain close to the track, but we got away with two dry sessions, which was what we needed. The track was pretty good straight away, so we were able to have consistent driving conditions throughout the day. We tried to get a feeling for the two tyre compounds and the different parts on the car.

Vitaly Petrov: It was a good day of practice and I found a good balance with the car. I know this track well and, with the updates we have here, the car feels much better. In the morning we did some basic set-up work and in the afternoon I tried some new parts, including our new rear wing which has much more downforce. I ran with both tyre compounds and the track conditions were not too bad, which helped us. Tomorrow morning we still need to keep working away little by little to be ready for qualifying.

Technical Debrief with Alan Permane, Chief Race Engineer:

Summary of the day: It has been a very busy day for both cars – busier than normal because we have had a lot of parts to test and both drivers, car crews and engineers have done a very good job to get through the work load. Both drivers appear to be going well here, although they were running slightly different programmes today.

Track conditions: It can often be quite dirty off the racing line at this circuit, but it was better than usual. The track was in good condition from the start of the day, although it certainly improved in the afternoon.

Upgrades: We did a rear wing comparison with Vitaly and ran our floor upgrade with both cars. We also have a new front wing here and both cars will run with all these parts tomorrow.

Tyre performance: We didn’t do a tyre comparison as such, but we did a lot of work with the super-soft tyre and ran it with high and low fuel to assess its qualifying and long run pace. Overall, it looks very good and we didn’t find any problems.

McLaren Mercedes

Lewis Hamilton: “It’s been an interesting day. We’ve just been focusing on our package and trying to optimise what we have. And the car was the best I’ve ever driven around here – it felt really great through the corners.

“But, even so, we’re losing quite a bit of time in the middle sector, and a couple of tenths in the first and third sectors, too. And then, as you start to push harder, in order to close the gap to the guys in front, the car begins to feel like it’s a little bit on the ragged edge.

“I think we’re pretty much getting the best out of the package we have – we’re dialing-in the set-up pretty effectively – but there’s still maybe a few tenths to come. So we know we’ve got a lot of work to do: this weekend is really about scoring as many points as we can, and hoping the guys ahead run into trouble.

“It’s going to be tough, but we’ve got to take the rough with the smooth and stay focused. And we’ll do that, no doubt about it. As always, of course, I’ll be pushing as hard as I can.”

Jenson Button: “I’m reasonably happy with the car today. It didn’t feel too great on the Option tyre, but the balance was good on the Prime. However, we’re a little bit behind the Red Bulls and the Ferraris.

“It’s probably therefore going to be a tricky weekend for us. There are still areas where we can improve, which is positive, but we’re unlikely to close the gap completely here in Hungary. Hopefully, though, we’ll see an improvement tomorrow, and that will move us closer.

“Still, we need to be doing the best job we can with the equipment we have, and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing. I know all the guys back at the McLaren Technology Centre are working flat-out to keep improving this car, and I’ve got absolute belief in them.

Martin Whitmarsh, Team principal: “Today’s programme was organised a little differently from our regular Friday sessions, as we undertook some shorter evaluative runs during P1 this morning.

“While we’re encouraged by both drivers’ feedback, and by the overall balance of the car, the pace of the front-runners was somewhat unexpected.

“Nevertheless, we’ve amassed plenty of useful data, and we’re armed with a lot of information. As usual, we’ll be working hard tonight in preparation for tomorrow’s qualifying session, and we’re confident of being able to make further improvements to our car.

“In a championship battle as tight as this year’s, the crucial thing is to concentrate on having an error-free weekend and maintain strong consistency – even when faced with challenging circumstances. So that will be our aim for the remainder of this weekend. As ever, it’s going to be a question of discipline, hard work and good racecraft, and that’s what we’ll be aiming to deliver.”

Williams Cosworth

Patrick Head, Director of Engineering: Today was a normal Friday for us. Both tyres look stable, but it looks as if the softer tyre is reasonably faster than the prime. As Nico says, our work in P3 will be aimed at achieving top ten qualifying positions tomorrow afternoon.

Rubens Barrichello: My day went well and we managed to finish plenty of comparative tests which are important for the weekend. We can see already that it is going to be a very close grid and it will require our best efforts to qualify at the head of the group of cars we are running among. All of this makes it a very busy weekend in terms of the effort we need to make.

Nico Hulkenberg: It was a positive day for us, we worked efficiently through our programme and got plenty of work done. It looks similar to Hockenheim here in terms of our relative pace and hopefully if everything goes well, we will be inside the top ten tomorrow.

Mercedes GP

Five days after the German Grand Prix at Hockenheim, Formula One was back in action today with the first two practice sessions taking place at the Hungaroring in Budapest ahead of Sunday’s Hungarian Grand Prix.

With their MGP W01 cars running with a revised aerodynamic package for this race, Michael Schumacher and Nico Rosberg concentrated on developing the set-up and balance, with a particular focus on race preparation.

Michael completed 57 laps and finished the day in 10th position with Nico covering 53 laps in 13th place.

Michael Schumacher: “Today we saw two sessions where neither the long runs nor the single laps were looking particularly good. We are not up to the speed that we normally are on Fridays and unfortunately our car does not look very good here at the moment. We have to look deeply into the data now to see if there are any specific reasons or if it is due to the character of the circuit. I think our specification is better than we had at Silverstone but we have to make it suit this track. We obviously hope for a better performance tomorrow and Sunday.”

Nico Rosberg: “It was an interesting day and even though we have taken a small step back with our upgrades, the car seems to work as it should. The track was unexpectedly fast so we had to do some different things with the set-up just to get a feel for it. My lap time wasn’t particularly representative as I didn’t set a time because of the traffic so I think we look to be in our general position behind the frontrunners at the moment. ”

Ross Brawn: “We had a busy day working with our revised aero package to find the right direction for qualifying and particularly the race. Both drivers completed some good set-up work but Nico and particularly Michael are not completely happy with our position at the end of today. We have a fairly clear picture of where we expect the prime and option tyres to be positioned for qualifying and the race but we have a lot of work ahead this evening to improve the cars for tomorrow.”

Norbert Haug: “Not a perfect first day of practice for us and there is certainly still work to be done tonight in order to improve the set-up of our cars. If the forecast is correct for tomorrow, there is a chance of thunderstorms around lunchtime which could possibly create an exiting qualifying session.”


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