Manager keeps ’hope’ of Schumacher recovery

"We have to accept it and learn to deal with it"


28 May 2016 - 11:19
Manager keeps 'hope' of (…)

Michael Schumacher’s manager on Friday collected a lifetime achievement award, organised by the Nurburgring, on behalf of the F1 legend.

"This award is an acknowledgement of his great willpower, his motivation, his talent, his discipline and his work ethic," Sabine Kehm said.

47-year-old Schumacher has not been seen publicly since suffering serious brain injuries in a late 2013 skiing fall.

Kehm said: "I realise we would all like it if Michael himself could be here, but unfortunately that is not possible.

"We have to accept it and learn to deal with it," she added.

"We will continue to hope and do everything so that it will be different again," said Kehm.

Schumacher won a record 91 grands prix and seven world championships.


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