Tough run to the finish in store for Vallejo

No working powersteering

By Franck Drui

1 May 2010 - 14:05
Tough run to the finish in store for (…)

Sergio Vallejo will have to drive through the remaining three stages of Rally Islas Canarias without the aid of powersteering.

The system in Vallejo’s Nupel Rally Team-run M-Sport Ford Fiesta failed midway through the 25.26-kilometre Telde stage and he had to soldier through stage 12 with no working powersteering.

His team, run by ex-world championship-winning co-driver Luis Moya, was unable to complete effective repairs in midday service and Vallejo will have to continue with the problem to the finish.

“It’s hard for my arms and my co-driver used the handbrake to help me in the hairpins,” said Vallejo.

A team spokesperson said: “We were not totally able to fix the problem and he will still be losing oil. He will have to run like this to the finish.”


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