2021 debut for Honda’s Tsunoda still on track

"This has nothing to do with the decision from Honda"


10 October 2020 - 09:04
2021 debut for Honda's Tsunoda (…)

Yuki Tsunoda may still be on track for a Honda-fuelled debut in Formula 1 next year.

Prior to the Japanese manufacturer’s shock decision to quit the sport, Japanese F2 star Tsunoda was considered a frontrunner to replace Daniil Kvyat in 2021 at Alpha Tauri.

"Personally, I don’t think our leaving has any impact there," said Honda’s Masashi Yamamoto when asked if the rumoured deal may now be off.

Tsunoda is a member of Red Bull’s driver program, but he is also strongly backed by Honda.

Team boss Franz Tost confirmed at the Nurburgring that the 20-year-old is still scheduled to do the young driver test for Alpha Tauri in Abu Dhabi.

"This has nothing to do with the decision from Honda that they will not continue after 2021," Tost insisted.

"The philosophy at Red Bull is always about performance and Yuki is doing a really good job. But we will see what Red Bull decides regarding their drivers for 2021."

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