Alguersuari working hard in his own music studio

"I am getting into more than DJ’ing at the moment"

By Franck Drui

4 December 2010 - 16:51
Alguersuari working hard in his own (…)

Having stayed in a Abu Dhabi for a week after the race to drive one day of the first Pirelli tyre test, I then flew home to Barcelona. Since then, I have been completely out of the racing environment, not even thinking about it and I have even taken a break from fitness training. It’s important from a physical and also a mental point of view to just wind down, relax and recover from what was a very long and tough season. I am enjoying getting into the groove with normal life, being back in the real world, enjoying myself a lot and I have been really getting into my other passion – music.

I have enjoyed relaxing with friends and one of the best times we had recently was when I went to a Shakira concert, which was a really cool night. I also played a couple of gigs DJ’ing. On the subject of DJ’ing I am attending a presentation with Red Bull Spain to officially launch a DJ App that Red Bull has launched for the iPad. So I’ve been trying it out for a while now and it’s really cool. I love all this technology involved in music as it’s fun to use, but really it is the music production side I am getting into more than DJ’ing at the moment, composing my own music, working hard in my own studio. All of this has been great fun, but it will end soon, because I’m a Formula 1 driver not a DJ and it will soon be time to concentrate full time on work again, but these couple of weeks have been fantastic.

Next week, it will be time to get back to training, to start the regime which will then take me through to maximum fitness again for the start of winter testing. I will get some driving before then, as I am going to Brazil later this month to take part in the endurance karting race that Felipe Massa organises every year, which I am looking forward to very much.

From Alguersuari’s blog on


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