Alonso heading for a Red Thousand

1000 points scored at the wheel of a Ferrari

By Franck Drui

13 August 2013 - 17:34
Alonso heading for a Red Thousand

The world of Formula 1 is enjoying its much awaited summer break at the moment, but it’s hard not to at least think about the races and fans of statistics can, be they lovers of the beach or the mountains, play about a bit with the results relating to the first half of the 2013 Championship.

From the merry-go-round of numbers it emerges that Fernando Alonso is closing in at a great rate of knots on the significant landmark of 1000 points scored at the wheel of a Ferrari. It’s a figure that has been growing since Bahrain in early 2010, when the Spaniard was just starting his time with the Prancing Horse, for whom he has so far driven in 68 Grands Prix. After the last round in Budapest, Alonso is currently on 920 points and the four figure mark is within his reach before the end of this season.

The proximity of the 1000 points in ‘Red’ is proof that Alonso and the Scuderia have together enjoyed a period of being very competitive. In those three and half years, Fernando has always been in the fight for the top places, as can be seen from the statistics: it’s not by chance that, in terms of points scored and podium finishes, Alonso is only beaten by Sebastian Vettel. As far as number of wins goes, the Spaniard shares second place with Lewis Hamilton, but in terms of total podium finishes, he is also very close to the aforementioned Vettel. Alonso has been a top three finisher no less than 38 times, six less than the German, but eleven more than Mark Webber and twelve more than Lewis Hamilton.


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