Alonso rumours still racing on comeback eve

"We do not know, and we probably never will"


26 March 2015 - 08:35
Alonso rumours still racing on (…)

On the eve of his return to the F1 cockpit, the saga surrounding Fernando Alonso’s mysterious Barcelona testing crash continues.

The latest rumours are as wild as should now be expected after a period of intense speculation about the cause of the February 22 incident and the reason for the Spaniard’s four days in hospital and subsequent five weeks of recovery.

Before he is grilled by reporters at Sepang on Thursday, the McLaren-Honda driver will be tested by circuit and FIA doctors.

Those who have seen Alonso, 33, since he arrived in Malaysia earlier this week report that he looks healthy, fit and happy.

"If he gets in the car," former driver and commentator Marc Surer told Germany’s Sky, "then he will forget everything and drive as usual.

"But the big question remains unanswered," he said. "What exactly happened? The ’gust of wind’ explanation was nonsense — Alonso was not even driving on the limit."

McLaren has revealed that Alonso recalls the sensation of ’heavy steering’ before the crash, but Surer observed: "Did he notice that something was wrong with the car or with himself?

"We do not know, and we probably never will."

Speculation that Alonso suffered a medical problem is still rife. The Munich newspaper TZ claims to have heard from those around Alonso that the two-time champion suffered a minor stroke.

And a report in Austria’s Kleine Zeitung newspaper said rumours in the Sepang paddock suggest Alonso’s future on the grid remains in doubt as a result of the crash saga.


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