Alonso’s verdict on the 2011 changes

"Overtaking should be less difficult"

By Franck Drui

13 January 2011 - 18:31
Alonso's verdict on the 2011 (…)

In his first press conference of the year, Fernando Alonso also talked about the new technical and rule changes that will affect the 2011 cars. “They will certainly be more complex to handle on the part of the driver because we will have more operations to carry out,” explained the Spaniard. “There will be the return of KERS and the new adjustable rear wing, even if the front wing won’t be adjustable any more. You will need to find the way to adapt and find the right mechanisms for the buttons to avoid losing the correct concentration for driving. The simulator gives us a big hand with that, allowing us to do intensive training on this aspect.

“Will these changes help overtaking? I hope so. For years changes to the regulations have been brought in with this objective but they haven’t always worked. We’re crossing our fingers but I think that between KERS and the adjustable rear wing there will be enough difference in speed to be able to overtake a car you’re fighting. These changes have been brought in after meticulous work on the part of the Technical Working Group and I believe they will work. Will we have to be more aggressive? It depends on the situation: if you just need a place to win the title then there’s no need.”

Another change will be the Pirelli tyres that Fernando has already tested for two days in Abu Dhabi last November. “The first feeling is positive,” says Fernando. “But we will know more at the next tests, those will be very interesting. I will certainly have to change my driving style a bit. The unknown remains the wet tyres, that we haven’t yet had a chance to try.”

In 2009 the introduction of KERS pushed many drivers into a hard winter and slimming routines. But this year the minimum weight of the car has been increased to 640kg, meaning the weight of the driver is not so crucial for the effective use of ballast. “I haven’t lost much weight yet, partly because last week I had to interrupt my training because of a small muscle contraction in my leg,” explains Fernando. “For the start of the championship perhaps you will see more of a weight difference. This year we will have to pay even more attention to physical and mental preparation because of the calendar. For example we will have trips that are physically demanding such as Australia-Malaysia-China, with the last two races on successive weekends. If you arrive in Malaysia at 80% one week later you risk being at 50%.”

On the issue that the new rules could make the result of qualifying less important for the result of the race, Fernando was very cautious. “It’s possible, because overtaking should be less difficult. But qualifying, the start and the first corner will remain decisive moments. But it’s too early to make a real prediction: we will have to see how things go in the first races to have a more precise idea.”


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