Alonso: the team has been stronger this year

"I will remember it as a not bad season overall from a personal point of view"

By Franck Drui

24 November 2011 - 19:15
Alonso: the team has been stronger (…)

Unlike the large areas available at the newer circuits, at Interlagos space is at a premium everywhere, so all the media were crammed tight into the Scuderia Ferrari hospitality area this afternoon to listen to what Fernando Alonso had to say, going into the final round of the season, the Brazilian Grand Prix.

The media are keen to focus on the Spaniard’s fight for second place in the Drivers’ classification and Fernando had to admit that, actually, it did not mean so much to him. “I finished second last year and no one remembers and I won’t recall it in ten or twenty years time,” he said. “So if I finish second, third or fourth this time, it will not be on my mind in the future. It’s not a big priority, but we will try and have a good race. Maybe there is a possibility of rain on Sunday, which means we might not get the same result as usual with Red Bull, McLaren and Ferrari always in the top five or six places. If that is the case and we do a good race, maybe I can take some points off Jenson, but maybe I lose points to Webber and finish fourth. It’s not so important for us, but maybe it gives me some self confidence for the future seeing myself ahead of drivers in better cars than ours.”

Asked to look back at the year as a whole, as usual with Fernando, he chose to emphasise the positive aspects. “I will remember it as a not bad season overall from a personal point of view and how the team approached this season, improving in areas where we were weak last year,” he said. “The team has been stronger and I feel that with a competitive car next year we can be very strong and fighting for the world championship. Last year, our starts and strategies were not so good and we had a conservative approach to the races and we improved in all those areas this year. Now, all we need is the car that can do it.”

As for this weekend, Fernando is realistic about his chances. “It will be very difficult to win on Sunday, but we will go for it, because we are professional and competitive people. When I put the visor down on Sunday, me and the team will be going for the win if possible.”

Asked what he would like to see on next year’s car, the Ferrari man outlined the relative strengths and weaknesses of this year’s car the 150º Italia. “This year, we were competitive in terms of the mechanical side of the car and there is not much difference between the various engines between the teams and tyres are the same for everybody. So the key point is aerodynamics and getting the tyres to work properly right from the first lap, as part of a more aggressive, less conservative approach to the year. Why am I confident I can challenge for the championship next year? Because I am at Ferrari.”


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