Belgium 2011 - GP Preview - Red Bull Renault

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

23 August 2011 - 20:35
Belgium 2011 - GP Preview - Red Bull (…)

Sebastian Vettel: "The Spa circuit has everything that a driver dreams of - unbelievably fast corners and slow chicanes, and it can be full of surprises due to the weather. It can be raining one minute and then the sun can be shining the next. The track follows the hills of the Ardennes – and it’s one of my absolute favourites. Eau Rouge and Blanchimont are real highlights – in dry conditions they can be driven without any problems but in the wet it’s a different story and you have to have dig deep to put your foot down. My favourite part of the track is the double-left Pouhon; you put the car into sixth, take your foot off the accelerator for a moment and then it’s up to 280kph in the corner. The last chicane is difficult, as the car pulls you all over the place; you need all your concentration to keep it on the track. It’s been great to have a break in the sun and to relax and do watersports, but I can’t wait to get back in the car."

Mark Webber: "Spa is unquestionably one of the best tracks on the calendar. It’s such a great circuit to come back to after having some time away from the cockpit. It’s a real challenge for drivers and the teams because of the layout of the circuit and the unpredictable weather. Last year’s grand prix was no exception with the weather playing a role and I thoroughly enjoyed the fight with Lewis [Hamilton] and Robert [Kubica] for the podium. I expect this weekend to be the same – a tight, competitive fight between Ferrari, McLaren and Red Bull. It was great to re-charge the batteries ready for the second part of the championship and it was really good to spend some time with family and friends. But three weeks is plenty, you certainly miss driving the car after that length of time."


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