Boullier still pushing for Alonso signature

"We are already discussing the details of the contract"


7 October 2017 - 07:08
Boullier still pushing for Alonso (…)

Eric Boullier is pushing hard to get Fernando Alonso’s signature on a McLaren contract for 2018.

It appears that the two sides are headed for a new deal following the Honda split.

"Honestly, I don’t think there are any special difficulties," Frenchman Boullier said at Suzuka.

"We are already discussing the details of the contract, and as both sides have an intention to continue, I think we will be able to agree."

However, Boullier said that as F3 champion, Lando Norris would have enough super license points to race next year, while Stoffel Vandoorne declared at Suzuka that he is "100 per cent" ready to lead McLaren from the cockpit in 2018.

"Is Stoffel ready?" Boullier said.

"So far he has 15 races this season and one more before that," he explained. "This is not a lot of experience.

"But if you see what he managed in the last three or four grands prix, it is clear that he knows how to use the full potential of the package. And that is helping the team a lot," said Boullier.

Alonso said earlier at Suzuka that Red Bull’s Sepang victory shows that, with Renault power, McLaren should be able to win in 2018.

Boullier commented: "Their relationship with Renault has evolved over a period of ten years, but we are also determined to achieve the maximum possible results."


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