Colonel Gaddafi’s son linked with Villeneuve/Durango

As a potential team investor


20 July 2010 - 10:41
Colonel Gaddafi's son linked (…)

One of Jacques Villeneuve’s potential team investors is reportedly the son of the Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi.

37-year-old Al-Saadi al-Gaddafi, known as a businessman and professional football player, is backing Villeneuve and Italian racing team Durango’s bid for the 13th place on the 2011 grid, according to Italiaracing.

It is also claimed that Russian and Italian businessmen are investing in the F1 foray, while Luca Filippi and Davide Valsecci are in the running to be the 1997 world champion’s teammate.

Gaddafi Jr is closely linked with the state-owned Libyan oil refining company Tamoil, former shirt sponsor of the Italian football club Juventus. also said that if hopeful outfit Stefan GP wins the 13th team entry, the Serbian car would be powered by a Cosworth engine.


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