De la Rosa’s Sauber seat not in doubt - Gracia

"Carlos Gracia said Peter Sauber had assured him that he is not in doubt."


22 April 2010 - 09:19
De la Rosa's Sauber seat not in (…)

Peter Sauber has reassured a close supporter of Pedro de la Rosa that the Spanish veteran is not about to lose his race seat.

39-year-old de la Rosa, who returned to the F1 grid this year after a long stint as McLaren’s test driver, played down the rumours about his near future in China last week.

His boss Sauber had expressed doubts about the time it was taking the Spaniard to reacclimatise to racing, with de la Rosa insisted he is "driving well".

At a media event this week ahead of the forthcoming F1 race in Barcelona, the head of the Spanish motor racing federation called on the press to support the Spanish drivers, especially de la Rosa.

A report in the Diario Sport newspaper added: "Carlos Gracia said Peter Sauber had assured him that he (de la Rosa) is not in doubt."


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