Ecclestone tells drivers to stop moaning about Hamilton

"Isn’t this sport all about racing?"


19 April 2010 - 10:14
Ecclestone tells drivers to stop (…)

Bernie Ecclestone has told Lewis Hamilton’s rivals to "stop moaning" about the on-track tactics of the 2008 world champion.

The McLaren driver’s weaving in front of Vitaly Petrov in Malaysia was a theme throughout the Chinese GP weekend, discussed at length in the media and in the drivers’ briefing by many of Hamilton’s opponents.

The 25-year-old - as well as Sebastian Vettel - was then reprimanded by the stewards in Shanghai for a pitlane incident, but it was Vettel who complained, saying afterwards that Hamilton "was keen to touch me".

Referring to the Sepang weaving saga, Hamilton told reporters in China that he did not understand "why everyone was fussing about it".

Asked if he thought the issue was overblown, he answered: "Yeah — they seemed to be talking about it for some time."

F1 chief executive Ecclestone also thinks Hamilton’s rivals should focus harder on their own driving.

"What are they talking about?" he is quoted as saying by the Mirror. "Isn’t this sport all about racing?

"I thought Lewis had a fantastic race. He drove really well and they should stop complaining and get on with the racing.

"I loved watching his performance in Sepang. I bet the fans did too. It (the reaction) was a whole lot of moaning about nothing," Ecclestone added.


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