Exhaust clampdown going ahead after London meeting

The technical working group met with Charlie Whiting


17 June 2011 - 07:30
Exhaust clampdown going ahead after (…)

The FIA is pressing ahead with its clampdown on blown exhaust technology following a meeting in London.

The technical working group met with Charlie Whiting on Thursday where, despite some controversy, the FIA delegate told teams they will have to severely limit their off-throttle diffuser exhaust blowing from next month’s British grand prix.

It is suggested pioneer Red Bull will be the team most affected by the ban, but Mercedes and Renault are also leaders in the field.

"The degree that a team will be affected is dependent on how much they’re exploiting that technology," Red Bull chief designer Rob Marshall told The Sun newspaper.

"There are certainly some teams that are exploiting it very vigorously and some that aren’t exploiting it at all. Some will suffer more than others."

And Ferrari team boss Stefano Domenicali is quoted by Italy’s Tuttosport: "After Silverstone it will be possible to express an opinion about our season.

"All I can say is that I hope it (the clampdown) affects us less than others."


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