F1 return unlikely as US issues Bahrain alert

"We expect that planned and spontaneous demonstrations will continue"


25 January 2012 - 10:01
F1 return unlikely as US issues (…)

Bahrain’s formula one return in April is now looking unlikely.

Amid reports the situation inside the troubled island Kingdom is still not stable, the Sakhir circuit’s boss Zayed al-Zayeni last week insisted Bahrain and the world "has to move on".

But not everyone agrees, including the US State Department which has warned Americans of political unrest.

"The department ... strongly urges US citizens to avoid all demonstrations, as even peaceful ones can quickly become unruly, and a foreigner could become a target of harassment or worse," the new alert about Bahrain reads.

The department also said US staff are being moved to safer locations.

"We expect that planned and spontaneous demonstrations will continue," a US spokesman told the Gulf Daily News.


Formula 1 news

