Ferrari drivers must be punished too - Mosley

"The drivers understood the rules when they were given their FIA super licenses"


24 August 2010 - 09:40
Ferrari drivers must be punished too (…)

It would not be adequate to only penalise Ferrari at next month’s World Motor Sport Council disciplinary hearing.

That is the opinion of Max Mosley, ahead of the September 8 meeting that was called to assess the Italian team’s allegedly illegal use of team orders during the German grand prix.

With Ferrari already handed a $100,000 fine by the Hockenheim stewards, it is suggested that a satisfactory outcome might be a further sporting sanction but one that allows drivers Felipe Massa and Fernando Alonso to keep their championship points.

Former long-time FIA president Mosley, however, disagrees, "because the drivers understood the rules when they were given their FIA super licenses but in Hockenheim (the drivers) failed to uphold them".

"I’m sorry particularly for poor Felipe Massa," added Mosley in an interview with Welt am Sonntag newspaper, "but there is a rule strictly against team orders."

The 70-year-old Briton said Brazilian Massa cannot argue that he was only obeying an instruction from his team "because his employer had no right to invite him to break the rules".


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