Force India lineup to be named soon - Mallya

"There are some legal loose ends to be tied up"


19 January 2011 - 07:09
Force India lineup to be named soon (…)

The uncertainty surrounding Force India’s driver lineup for 2011 looks set to end soon.

It is believed that despite Vitantonio Liuzzi having a firm contract for this year, it will be Paul di Resta racing alongside Adrian Sutil in the two VJM-04s.

Williams refugee Nico Hulkenberg looks to have secured a third driver role involving Friday morning practice sessions, but his manager Willi Weber insisted this week that before "anything is said officially, I can’t say anything myself".

The Silverstone based team’s boss and owner Vijay Mallya has now hinted that the uncertainty is soon to end, with the delay believed to be due to the severing of Liuzzi’s contract.

"There are some legal loose ends to be tied up," the Indian billionaire told the BBC.

Mallya added that the lineup should be named "in the next few days".


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