Force India tweaked format to help Sutil

"It is not good to not be in the car"


26 August 2011 - 16:20
Force India tweaked format to help Sutil

Force India changed its usual grand prix weekend schedule at Spa-Francorchamps in an effort to help Adrian Sutil.

Usually, reserve driver Nico Hulkenberg takes over one of the Mercedes-powered cars for Friday morning practice.

But for Belgium, it emerged on Thursday that the team’s regular lineup Paul di Resta and Sutil would be driving in the morning, before Hulkenberg takes over a cockpit in the afternoon.

When German Sutil emerged as the driver who missed out, it sparked speculation Force India was trialling its potential 2012 race lineup in representative conditions on a truly drivers’ circuit.

Actually, the decision was taken due to the weather forecast.

"We looked at the forecast on Thursday and it said Friday morning would be dry while the afternoon would be wet.

"We thought the rest of the weekend should be dry so we wanted to give Adrian the dry session," Hulkenberg told German Sky television.

In fact, both sessions were wet but there was some early dry running in the afternoon.

"It is not good to not be in the car," complained Sutil to British television BBC. "It’s not good for the team’s success as I missed the only dry session."


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