GPDA pushes for more influence in F1 decisions

"We want a permanent dialogue with the governing body"


26 October 2010 - 09:15
GPDA pushes for more influence in F1 (…)

The union of formula one drivers, the GPDA, revealed in Korea last weekend their push for more influence in the sport’s decision-making processes.

According to the German magazine Speed Week, the Grand Prix Drivers’ Association - now headed by president Rubens Barrichello - met at the Yeongam circuit with FIA president Jean Todt.

"We want a permanent dialogue with the governing body," Brazilian Barrichello, accompanied to the meeting by fellow GPDA directors Sebastian Vettel and Felipe Massa, is quoted as saying.

According to another German language report in, Barrichello and his colleagues believe some of the problems in Korea - like troublesome kerbs and the dangerous pit entry - would not have been encountered if the drivers were more seriously canvassed.

"It was ok," Barrichello said after the meeting with Todt.

"We discussed three or four things and he was very open. All we want is for the GPDA to be able to contribute more to the future of the sport," he added.


Formula 1 news

