Grosjean wants more in the second half of the season

"I honestly believe my first win is now just around the corner"


2 August 2013 - 11:20
Grosjean wants more in the second (…)

After a difficult start to the year, the Frenchman has been quietly working his way to the very front of the Formula 1 grid, and has every intention of staying there…

If you could sum up these first ten races, what would you say?

That’s a difficult one, but I guess I’d have to say the word ‘potential’ is the key. For sure we’ve had some difficult moments and maybe the results haven’t always been what the team deserved, but the potential for top finishes has always been there.

What’s been your highlight of this year so far?

Well, I would like to say the pass on Felipe [Massa] in Budapest – which at the time I thought may have been the best of my career so far – but of course with the penalty I suppose it’s not the same. The podium in Germany would have to be my next choice; not just because it was a great result for the team, but because we were genuinely fighting for the win right to the end which was a pretty good feeling.

And on the flip side?

Monaco was not my best weekend, that’s no secret. The pace was there, but for one reason or another I just didn’t put everything together when really a strong result was definitely achievable. I still owe the mechanics and composites guys a drink for that; hopefully it will be some victory champagne later in the season…

How are you feeling heading into the second half of the season?

Very good. We proved in Germany and Hungary that we can compete right at the front of the grid and I think if we can continue to improve at the same rate we will be looking pretty good for the remaining nine races. I’m feeling more and more comfortable in the car every time I drive it which is certainly a good sign looking forwards. After our performance in the last few races, I honestly believe my first win is now just around the corner.



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