Heidfeld deal removes ’insecurity’ admits Senna

"It means I can go to the next race able to take more risks"


5 September 2011 - 10:36
Heidfeld deal removes 'insecurity

Bruno Senna has admitted he will be feeling more relaxed when he races on the fabled Monza circuit this weekend.

The Brazilian made his grand prix return at Spa recently, but a pending court decision could have seen Nick Heidfeld back in the Renault after Monza.

The team has subsequently reached a financial settlement with German Heidfeld, confirming Senna as Vitaly Petrov’s regular teammate for the remainder of 2011.

The 27-year-old confided to Brazil’s Agencia Estado that he drove in Belgium with a "sense of insecurity" due to the Heidfeld impasse.

"The pressure for results is imposed mainly by myself, but the announcement (about Heidfeld) at least alleviates the feeling of insecurity — of not knowing what was going to happen next," said Senna.

"I am delighted. It means I can go to the next race able to take more risks," he explained.


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