Kubica must be patient for F1 comeback - Webber

"Robert should thank his lucky stars"


11 February 2011 - 14:05
Kubica must be patient for F1 comeback -

Despite suffering broken bones in two falls in recent history, Mark Webber has revealed that he still loves mountain bike riding.

The Australian driver was commenting on Robert Kubica’s new battle to recover from horrific injuries suffered in a rally crash.

"Compared to Robert, I had a scratched finger," said the Red Bull driver, referring to his own badly broken leg and - more recently - shoulder.

Webber said there is no trying to stop F1 drivers from going about their lives away from the track.

"Our perception of risk is different to normal people," he insisted in an interview with Auto Motor und Sport.

"First of all, Robert should thank his lucky stars; to survive something like that is already a gift from god. From now it will be about the head.

"He is going to go through the ups and downs, because after three good days of training you have a bad one and you wonder if it’s all going to pay off.

"He has to be patient, which for a racing driver is exactly the worst thing: we are hyperactive and he will want to see progress every day, as we do with our jobs.

"He just has to give it the time it needs," advised Webber.


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