Leinders: Alonso was often at the wrong place at the wrong time

"Hopefully this is good news for Stoffel Vandoorne"


15 August 2018 - 14:02
Leinders: Alonso was often at the (…)

Former F1 test driver Bas Leinders told Sporza that Fernando Alonso leaving F1 is the end of a difficult period for the Spaniard.

"Hopefully this is good news for Stoffel Vandoorne," said Leinders. "The chance that he stays and even that McLaren is built around him are now greater.

"Alonso always got the better parts, the new developments, and that’s partly why Vandoorne was in trouble. Hopefully that can be rectified now," he added.

As for Alonso’s F1 career, Leinders said the 37-year-old is an obvious F1 great.

"But he didn’t manage to get everything out of it. Last year him not doing Monaco for the Indy 500 was a sign that his interests were changing. Then with Le Mans it was clear he wasn’t having much fun with F1 anymore," he added.

"After Renault he made wrong choices with teams. After one year with Lewis Hamilton at McLaren he was gone and later he chose Ferrari when they were building up.

"Now with McLaren. He was often at the wrong place at the wrong time," Leinders added.


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