McLaren and Ferrari urge Williams to sign Raikkonen

"Try and sign him"


12 November 2011 - 08:18
McLaren and Ferrari urge Williams to (…)

Kimi Raikkonen’s most recent teams think Sir Frank Williams would be wise to sign up the 2007 world champion for next season.

For his part, 69-year-old Williams remained calm amid the waves of speculation in Abu Dhabi, refusing to let slip the status of the talks with the former Ferrari and McLaren winner.

"I cannot make any comment about supposition, sorry to be so unhelpful," he told reporters.

McLaren boss Martin Whitmarsh, however - now the head of Raikkonen’s Woking based employer between 2002 and 2006 - was emphatic when asked what advice he has for Williams.

"Try and sign him," said the Briton. "I hope that he (Raikkonen) is hungry.

"I am sure he hasn’t lost the capability to thrill us so I think it would be fantastic for formula one," added Whitmarsh.

"I wouldn’t ordinarily presume to advise Sir Frank who he should sign but I think it would be exciting if he did."

Another man in Abu Dhabi who knows Raikkonen well is Stefano Domenicali, team boss at Ferrari, the Finn’s last F1 team and the scene of his title triumph.

"I know Kimi very well," said the Italian. "He is very talented, very strong, he was the last driver to win the world championship with us and he will want to show he is still one of the strongest."


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