Monaco 2015 - GP Preview - Toro Rosso Renault

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

20 May 2015 - 14:44
Monaco 2015 - GP Preview - Toro (…)

Carlos Sainz

“Monaco is definitely one of the highlights of the racing year for any driver. It’s a special sort of track where you always want to show that you are fast, because it’s a very challenging circuit where the driver can make the difference. I’ve had some very positive results there in the past in the World Series and it’s a track I like a lot. However, this will be my first time driving there in a Formula 1 car and I imagine it will feel very different to what I’ve experienced there before. It will all be about the qualifying session, which in some ways is the most important moment of the race weekend. So you really need to find the right balance with the car during free practice and then put together a good lap. I’m looking forward to Saturday very much therefore, because I can imagine that getting a good lap in qualifying must feel like something really special.”

Max Verstappen

“A street circuit is always special. I’ve never driven at this track before but I have driven at Macau, which I reckon is a very challenging street circuit. I enjoyed the experience there and so I’m looking forward to Monaco. It will need a different approach and you can’t just attack it in the first free practice session, you need to build up to it gradually. The important thing is to do as many laps as possible. I’ve driven it on the simulator and what strikes you is that it is quite slow. Even if engine power will be less important here, you do need the best possible driveability to come from the engine. I expect the lap times between the teams to be much closer than in some other races. In the end, set-up changes won’t make the biggest difference. It’s more a case of what you as a driver can get out of yourself. In Monaco, I think it will be more likely to get an extra 2 tenths out of yourself than from something you do to the car.”


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