Montezemolo wants Alonso for PM, no job for Massa

"I would have him because he has the strongest character and is optimistic but also a realist"


13 April 2011 - 09:49
Montezemolo wants Alonso for PM, no (…)

Luca di Montezemolo has responded mischievously to speculation about his future in politics.

It has been rumoured the Italian might hang up his hat as Ferrari president for a new calling, to which he told La Gazzetta dello Sport: "Me in politics? Yes, with Alonso as prime minister.

"I would have him because he has the strongest character and is optimistic but also a realist."

Montezemolo then named a cabinet of senior ministers to support his Spanish prime minister.

"Vettel, who is smart and fast, Rosberg for being able to hold off Schumacher, Perez for his talent and Hamilton, a great champion," he said.

Notably missing from Montezemolo’s cabinet was Felipe Massa, whose Ferrari contract runs out at the end of the season.

He did however refer to three F1 legends: "Lauda, who was able to never pay for anything, not even a drink, Schumacher never gave up, and before he died Senna told me that his dream was to win a world championship with Ferrari."

Back to reality, Montezemolo admitted that after a tough start to the 2011 world championship for Ferrari, it is unrealistic to expect the 150 Italia car to win in China this weekend.

"I expect some improvement, but it will be difficult to reverse the situation in one week," he said.

The Italian continued to rail against modern F1, including its reliance on aerodynamics, "Because we are building cars, not planes or satellites".

He admitted he wants private track testing to return "To help young guys develop and for safety", and criticised FIA officials’ decision last Sunday to penalise Alonso and Lewis Hamilton after a duel at Sepang.

"Let’s not overreact, it was a great fight between them," said Montezemolo.


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