Q&A with Carlos Sainz & Max Verstappen

"The difference is that you already know most of the tracks"

By Franck Drui

1 March 2016 - 10:12
Q&A with Carlos Sainz & Max (…)

What is different from year one to year two?

CS: The difference is that you already know most of the tracks, as well as the team, you’re very familiar with the steering wheel and you know Formula 1 in general and how it
works, so you can have a much more clear approach of it all.

MV: It’s a more relaxed environment. You know more what is coming because you’ve experienced it last year, so you can approach it being a bit more relaxed.

What does not being a rookie any more mean to you?

CS: It means obviously a bit more pressure from everyone. They expect you to be a bit more consistent and make less rookie mistakes but it also means that you are a more mature driver.

MV: Exactly what it says - not being a rookie anymore! For me, it doesn’t really change a lot. It’s just that you have the experience you gained from the first year. Of course, you can’t call yourself a rookie now, because you’ve driven the tracks and you’ve experienced one full year
of Formula 1.

What about driving the STR11 and working with Ferrari?

CS: It’s a little bit early to say but the feeling is already really good. Regarding Ferrari, I must say it’s certainly a step forward in terms of power. You can clearly feel it as soon as you drive out of the box so that’s a positive thing.

MV: Everything is going very well so far. We’ve done a good amount of laps at the first test and with Ferrari it’s all working very smoothly at the moment, so I’m very happy.

What would you like to see improve in 2016?

CS: Reliability was our most limiting factor last year and we certainly have to improve on this. I can’t wait to get this season started!

How will knowing already the tracks help you?

MV: It means you are better prepared for the first practice session at each circuit. You don’t spend so much time learning the track because you’ve driven it before, so you can begin working on the set-up of the car earlier in the session.


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