Q&A with James Allison (LRGP technical director) before India

“I’m sure it will prove to be a popular track”

By Franck Drui

21 October 2011 - 14:00
Q&A with James Allison (LRGP (…)

After the frustration of a ‘nil points’ outing in Korea, James Allison looks to Formula 1’s next exciting instalment – the Buddh International Circuit

Although the results did not come, the pace in Korea looked good – is there cause for optimism?’

The pace was good in Korea. Part of this is as a result of track-specific characteristics. In Korea, most cars suffered from understeer in the race. This appeared to affect us somewhat less. However, we have continued to modify and improve the car and we hope to put up a respectable showing in the remaining races.

How much simulation can we do for a new track? What can we do in advance and what can only be learnt upon arrival at the site?

There are lots of tasks that can be well simulated prior to arriving at a brand new circuit. Conventional lap simulation can give us a good idea of items such as: optimal gear ratio selection, which rear wing to fit, what springs and rideheights to fit, fuel consumption, cooling levels, DRS effectiveness etc. Although much preparatory work has been done, there will remain several areas where the team can only really react once we start running in anger. For example: grip level of the tarmac, effect of track bumpiness on the optimal suspension setup, tyre degradation etc. To give you an example, a 3% variation in the asphalt grip would lead to 1 second difference on the lap time.

Are there elements of the circuit layout which resemble tracks we already visit on the calendar?

The track is a conventional downforce circuit with a decent array of cornering speeds and a sensible length main straight. At one level all tracks are sort of the same, with similar straights and corners. However, the real character of a track only really unfolds once you start to run on it. This track looks like it offers a range of challenges to the drivers and I am sure it will prove to be popular.

How should the final three races suit our car?

We are a little concerned by Abu Dhabi as it shares many of the features of the other three tracks where we have not fared well this year. However, both in Abu Dhabi and at the other two remaining circuits of the year, the team will do their utmost to extract the maximum available performance from the R31.


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