Rear wing idea ’highly dangerous’ - Glock

"Perhaps the (GPDA) drivers’ union can do something"


5 July 2010 - 08:57
Rear wing idea 'highly dangerous

Timo Glock has joined a group of F1 drivers who think the ’proximity’ wing idea is a bad one.

FOTA chairman Martin Whitmarsh has admitted that the proposal, with chasing drivers able to press a button and boost straightline speed next season, might not see the light of day.

"I think it’s highly dangerous," Glock is quoted as saying by the website of the Swiss publication Motorsport Aktuell.

"From the viewpoint of safety, I think it’s a wrong decision."

The speed difference between the Lotus and Red Bull cars was arguably the cause of last Sunday’s huge crash at Valencia involving Mark Webber.

"We’ve seen what can happen if the guy behind has significantly more speed," Virgin driver Glock said.

"Mark was just lucky that there was enough run-off and he could just run into the tyre barrier," added the German, suggesting that the return of KERS in 2011 could boost the speed differences even more.

"The drivers all have the same opinion; it is clearly too dangerous," said Glock of the adjustable rear wing idea.

"Perhaps the (GPDA) drivers’ union can do something. It should definitely be talked about."


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