Red Bull accepts the ruling of the International Court of Appeal

"We are of course disappointed by the outcome"

By Franck Drui

15 April 2014 - 11:30
Red Bull accepts the ruling of the (…)

Infiniti Red Bull Racing accepts the ruling of the International Court of Appeal today.

We are of course disappointed by the outcome and would not have appealed if we didn’t think we had a very strong case. We always believed we adhered to the technical regulations throughout the 2014 Australian Grand Prix.

We are sorry for Daniel (Ricciardo) that he will not be awarded the 18 points from the event, which we think he deserved. We will continue to work very hard to amass as many points as possible for the team, Daniel and Sebastian (Vettel) throughout the season.

We will now move on from this and concentrate on this weekend’s Chinese Grand Prix.


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