Red Bull could hold back 2012 parts - Newey

"All of our research and development is now focused on next year’s car"


21 October 2011 - 10:02
Red Bull could hold back 2012 parts (…)

Red Bull could hold back some development parts for the 2012 season, designer Adrian Newey has revealed.

Ferrari attracted great attention last weekend in Korea when a radical new wing specification, whose philosophy is destined for next year’s car, was debuted.

With the titles now wrapped up, other teams are also pushing ahead with testing new parts in the remaining few races of 2011.

But Newey has admitted he is cautious.

"All of our research and development is now focused on next year’s car," he is quoted by the Spanish sports newspaper Marca.

"If there is anything new that we can apply to this year’s car, we may choose to do so.

"But it also depends on whether that would give away any clues as to what we are doing in 2012," added the Briton.


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