Renault’s Boullier says beating Mercedes unlikely

"With three races to go, it’s now very much an uphill struggle"

By Franck Drui

18 October 2010 - 12:20
Renault's Boullier says beating (…)

What was the team’s mood after the Japanese GP?

The first feelings were obviously of immense frustration and disappointment. When you start third on the grid, and your race lasts fewer than three laps, then it cannot be any other way - all the more so when a genuine chance of a podium finish slips away. But there were positives to take from the weekend, too. Robert did an exceptional job in qualifying – probably one of his best laps this year – to put the car fourth; and our general level of competitiveness was much better than in Singapore. Our challenge now will be to try and repeat that level of performance again before the end of the season.

What are your thoughts ahead of the first race in Korea?

It’s always exciting to visit a new venue and, following our Roadshow in Seoul earlier this month, we know that Formula 1 can expect a very warm and enthusiastic welcome from the country’s fans. Any new track brings with it plenty of unknowns, and the potential for surprises up and down the grid. The circuit presents a variety of challenges, some well-suited to our car and others less so. As always, our aim will be to extract the maximum from the car and to make the most of every opportunity that presents itself to us.

The team is now 43 points behind MercedesGP in the Constructors’ Championship. Is fourth place still a realistic goal?

With three races to go, it’s now very much an uphill struggle – but this is F1, and anything can still happen. We have a huge amount of respect for Mercedes as competitors, they are the reigning world champion team, and they have had a strong second half of the season where they made the most of their opportunities. Even if we don’t overhaul them in the standings, we can be very proud of our achievements this year. From a low point twelve months ago, we are the most improved team of 2010 and, in the second half of the season, we have been taking the fight to the teams at the front of the grid. That’s a real tribute to the quality of the people we have at Enstone – and a very promising sign for the future.


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