Toro Rosso not working on F-duct system

Toro Rosso’s decision is based on financial considerations


21 April 2010 - 09:40
Toro Rosso not working on F-duct system

Toro Rosso has vowed to buck the current trend in formula one by not working on a F-duct device.

With the exception of the sport’s three new teams, it is believed the Ferrari-powered STR5 will therefore soon be the only car on the 2010 grid not exploiting the downforce-spoiling concept pioneered by McLaren.

Technical boss Giorgio Ascanelli said Toro Rosso’s decision is based on financial considerations.

"If I have ten euros and am hungry, I would buy two sandwiches instead of three grams of caviar," he is quoted as having told the Italian magazine Autosprint.

So far, Sauber, Ferrari, Mercedes and Williams have tested F-duct-like devices on their 2010 cars, with varying levels of success.

Mercedes’ Ross Brawn said in China that those teams who are hoping to match McLaren’s straight-line advantage are now "learning just how complex" the integration of an F-duct is.

Ascanelli added: "You might see some benefit after five months of development, but in that time we can improve and develop other parts of the car."

It is believed Red Bull, Red Bull and Force India will be the next teams to run F-ducts on their cars at forthcoming grands prix


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