Tracks like Spa ’vital’ for F1, insists Gastaldi

"These tracks are the lifeblood of F1"

By Franck Drui

16 August 2015 - 09:17
Tracks like Spa 'vital' (…)

Lotus F1 Team Deputy Team Principal Federico Gastaldi returns from the summer shutdown galvanised for a strong second half to the season.

What makes the Belgian Grand Prix at Spa so special?

Simple, the track. The atmosphere is unique as well, but ultimately Spa is all about the challenge that it presents to the drivers. Just watching them attack the classic corners like Eau Rouge and Pouhon is a thrill. It must be amazing to drive this rollercoaster in the forest; it’s like the track reflects the ups and downs of everything in F1. Spa also has a good feeling in the paddock too because everyone is refreshed from the summer break and there is a sense of renewed energy for the rest of the year. We’ve seen so many times over the years the epic races that have played out at Spa; Michael Schumacher making his debut there in 1991, then winning the Grand Prix with us as Benetton the following year, Damon Hill winning Jordan’s first race or our former driver Giancarlo Fisichella coming so very close to winning there in 2009. It’s a great place to be and always delivers a superb spectacle.

Formula 1 definitely seems to go to sleep for a couple of weeks with the summer shutdown: what happens?

It might seems like it goes to sleep for the outside world, but for the personnel who work so many long hours over the season it’s a great concept and one which really helps people get their energy and inspiration levels up. Some people stay at home, but many go away and even party, just as our sport’s reigning champion demonstrated in the Caribbean. We all get our energy levels back up in different ways and it’s certain we’ll all be pushing hard once the factory doors are reopened and the second half of the season is underway. We’ve got nine races over the next three months so there’ll be plenty to keep us busy.

There’s been all manner of speculation about the team in 2015; what’s going on?

This is always part of Formula 1, the rumour, intrigue and speculation. We can expect all kinds of waffle in the Spa paddock but there’s nothing to report from the team; we’re focusing on our racing and we’re hopeful of a strong result in Spa.

How important is it for F1 to race at circuits such as Spa?

In my opinion it is vital. These tracks are the lifeblood of F1. There wouldn’t be a tennis season without Wimbledon or a golf season without the Masters at Augusta. These circuits need to be maintained in F1 because the fans identify with them so much and they nearly always create excitement. I think we have a good balance of tracks in F1. Some traditional like Spa, Silverstone and Monza, some great street circuits like Monaco and Singapore and then newer F1 markets like Russia, the Middle East and the US. F1 should be about variety in every context while at the same time being relevant to partners, fans and teams alike.

What did you say to the drivers before the break and what’s the battle plan looking forward?

After the excitement of the Hungarian Grand Prix everyone was ready for a break! It’s very important for the drivers to have good, strong, positive mind sets for their racing no matter what’s gone on in the first half of the season. Drivers are very good at resetting themselves and getting on with the task of racing, but a longer break away from not just racing but also the factory and other demands helps that little bit more with this. I’m expecting two revitalised chaps to jump back into the cars at Spa and the plan is to push all the way, after all there are still a lot of points up for grabs.


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