Vettel ’made more mistakes than Ferrari’ - Massa

As Hamilton "full earned" his fifth crown


7 November 2018 - 11:04
Vettel 'made more mistakes than (…)

Sebastian Vettel is mostly to blame for not winning the 2018 title.

That is the view of former Ferrari driver Felipe Massa, after German Vettel said losing to Lewis Hamilton was due to a combination of driver and team errors.

But Massa told Globo’s Bem Amigos programme: "Vettel and Ferrari missed a chance this year, but I think Sebastian has more guilt than the team.

"Germany was especially painful, where Vettel could have won but he lost the full 25 points. But there were also mistakes in qualifying, the wrong strategies, unnecessary contact with Bottas in France.

"I think Vettel made more mistakes than Ferrari did," Brazilian Massa added.

On the other hand, Massa thinks Mercedes’ Hamilton "full earned" his fifth championship crown.

"He is already the one with the most poles in history and close to the record for wins. He is 33 years old and seems to be an obvious favourite in the fight for the title next season," he said.

"He has a chance to beat all of the records," Massa added.

Former Ferrari boss Stefano Domenicali agrees that Vettel made too many mistakes in 2018, but he backed the German’s aggressive driving style.

"Seb is a strong driver who fights with everything for the title," the Lamborghini boss told Auto Bild. "As a Ferrari driver, you need the aggression that he has."



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