Vettel urges German crowd to respect Webber

"I hope that at Hockenheim all the drivers are welcomed with respect"


22 July 2010 - 10:55
Vettel urges German crowd to respect (…)

Sebastian Vettel has urged his German supporters against booing Mark Webber this weekend at Hockenheim.

After their Istanbul crash and the Silverstone front wing furore, the pair are sharing a tense relationship at present.

But German Vettel, 23, told Cologne’s Express tabloid that he would not like to see his Australian teammate heckled by partisan spectators.

"I hope that at Hockenheim all the drivers are welcomed with respect," said the Red Bull driver.

"I know that I will never lose respect for other people. We are all sportsmen and should be treated in such a way," added Vettel.

Championship leader Lewis Hamilton, acknowledging that his McLaren is not as fast as the RB6, said he hopes the discord at Red Bull works to his advantage.

"They have the best car and Hockenheim should suit them," the Briton told Bild newspaper. "But they also have a problem with their drivers, which can only be good for us."


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