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Briatore set for sensational F1 return

"We will bring you the excitement, entertainment, joy and energy"


19 October 2021 - 08:53
Briatore set for sensational F1 return

Flavio Briatore looks set to make a sensational return to Formula 1.

The flamboyant 71-year-old left F1 in disgrace over a decade ago following the ’crashgate’ scandal, but has since been given clearance to return.

But it seems it will not be as a team boss. Instead, Italian media claims he is being recruited by countryman and F1 CEO Stefano Domenicali.

Video has emerged of a meeting between the two former team bosses.

"Stay tuned," said Domenicali.

Fellow Italian Briatore added: "A new chapter of F1 is about to begin.

"We will bring you the excitement, entertainment, joy and energy that this wonderful sport deserves."

It seems Briatore will have a high profile role in charge of entertainment at grands prix, involving sponsors, VIPs and the public.

F1 - FOM - Liberty Media


Formula 1 news

