Formula E now plan B for F1 drivers - Massa

"Formula E is doing exactly what needs to be done"


22 November 2019 - 09:52
Formula E now plan B for F1 drivers (…)

Formula E is fast becoming the obvious ’plan B’ for Formula 1 drivers.

That is the view of Felipe Massa, the former 11-time grand prix winner for Ferrari who now drives in the increasingly popular all-electric series.

Mercedes and Porsche have signed up for the new Formula E season, which kicks off this weekend in Saudi Arabia.

Other former F1 drivers on the grid are Brendon Hartley, Pascal Wehrlein, Stoffel Vandoorne and others, while the new Formula 2 champion Nyck de Vries is racing for the new works Mercedes team.

And while Formula 1 features only four carmakers, in Formula E there are six, also including Audi, BMW, Nissan and Jaguar.

"Formula E is doing exactly what needs to be done. It is growing," 38-year-old Massa told the Mirror.

"When a championship is growing and getting bigger and bigger, all the big names are interested. It was the only championship I was looking to come and race after Formula 1."

Formula E aside, there are still multiple premier racing categories for professional drivers to consider, like Indycar, Super Formula, WEC and DTM.

Massa said: "I concentrate on Formula E, because I believe in the future of Formula E more than I believe in the future of the other championship.

"I am sure that any driver that does not have the possibility to stay in Formula 1, they will try and come to Formula E. I am 100 per cent sure.

"Every driver here can race in Formula 1 and everyone here can be successful in Formula E in the end," added the Brazilian.


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