Hamilton, Brad Pitt working on F1 film script

"It’s something we’re working on in the background"


11 June 2022 - 09:32
Hamilton, Brad Pitt working on F1 (…)

Lewis Hamilton is involved in the production of a Top Gun-style feature film about Formula 1 that will star Brad Pitt.

Reports from Baku suggest the movie will be produced by Joseph Kosinski and Jerry Bruckheimer, who were behind the popular Top Gun sequel.

Apple is said to have secured the film rights, beating Netflix, Amazon, Paramount, Sony and MGM.

"I can’t really say too much about it because I don’t know if it’s been properly announced yet," seven time world champion Lewis Hamilton said at Baku.

"But it’s something we’re working on in the background."

Hamilton said he is "very much involved" in the script and has already spent time with Pitt.

"If you look at all the racing movies, I can’t necessarily say that all the recent ones have been spectacular," he explained. "That’s something we want to change.

The Mercedes star also said other active F1 drivers will also get involved in the film.

"We’re going to need drivers, I’m sure, at some stage," said Hamilton. "There’s already this talk of how we are going to capture some of the footage and it’s going to take us drivers to be involved in that.

"But we’re not actors and we don’t want this movie to be crap, which is probably why I’m not going be a part of it (as an actor)."

Mercedes F1


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